INTENTCO.TW was started in 1991 by designer Eric Huang also as known as V-Tech. INTENTCO.TW has factory and office in New Taipei, Taiwan.
Office statement:
The end use of design is exceedingly light and portable. We offer a new vision for giftionery-innovation design for a better life.
Our office are in charge of all things about gift design, including some
of the user experience and market survey, original manufacturer and exporter.
✎Ideas for life. Made in Taiwan.
Office statement:
The end use of design is exceedingly light and portable. We offer a new vision for giftionery-innovation design for a better life.
Our office are in charge of all things about gift design, including some
of the user experience and market survey, original manufacturer and exporter.
✎Ideas for life. Made in Taiwan.
︎ ︎ intentco
︎ ✉ intentco@ms10.hinet.net
Inquiries are welcome, feel free to contact us.